A woman relaxing in a massage chair while receiving a shoulder massage from a male therapist in a professional wellness setting. Target Therapies massage

Why employee wellness is more important than ever

The importance for companies to support their employees in managing their well-being / wellness is evidently clear.

93% of workers consider their wellbeing at work to be equally important as their salary

87% of workers say they would consider leaving a company that does not focus on employee wellbeing                                                                                                                                                         

Source: The State of Work-Life Wellness 2024 report by Gympass.

This trend shows no signs of slowing down, as employees continue to voice their concerns about the necessity for corporate wellness, but organisations can reap the benefits of doing so.

Encouraging wellness helps prevent work-related injuries, burnout, illnesses, and promote a positive work culture. Companies shouldn’t wait until their employees quit, but take action beforehand, as it could be costly to hire and retrain staff, impact the bottom line, as well as taking a devastating toll on company morale.

At Target Therapies, we understand that a happy and relaxed workforce is a productive workforce. That’s why we offer on-site chair massages 10-15 minute sessions delivered directly to the office or at an event (such as a wellness day). Incorporating a workplace wellness program is a way to surprise, motive and support your employees with health and wellness. Your staff will feel appreciated and valued.

Empower people so they can give their best at work

Your employees lead busy lives—juggling work and personal commitments. They often struggle to find time to improve their well-being outside of work. Having chair massages at work makes it convenient for your staff to get the self-care they need and deserve.

The massages are delivered to them at the office. It’s placed into your work culture and they would be delighted with your company for it. You would be surprised at what a difference a 10-15 minutes massage can make to your employees. It’s a thoughtful gesture and your team will appreciate this gift of wellness.

Chair massages give employees a mental boost, so your employees can stay refreshed throughout the day. Many research studies have also shown the benefits of massages in having a positive impact on employee health. Sitting at a desk for extended periods can lead to poor posture and chronic pain. Our chair massages can help alleviate these issues, leading to improved health and reduced sick days.

Massages can help:

  • Reduce anxiety levels and depressive symptoms
  • Reduce stress as indicated by blood pressure
  • Improve mood and well-being states
  • Alleviate neck and shoulder pain

The benefits to your employees:

  • Boost morale & engagement
  • Reduce pain & tension
  • Reduce stress & anxiety
  • Shows appreciation
  • Increase a sense of connection

Getting an on-site chair massage is very convenient. There’s no need to change, shower, get sweaty, or leave the workplace. We come directly to your office on pre-arranged dates and times.

Happy workers perform better at work. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty to your organisation. If workers feel a sense of recognition and respect for their hard work, they will want to dedicate more to your company.

The Benefit to you, the employer

The benefits of massage don’t end with just your employees having better health—physically and emotionally. It has financial benefits too. It reduces sick days, increases productivity and reduces employee turnover. In a competitive hiring market, having incentives that encourage employee wellness makes your workplace more attractive and promotes a positive workplace culture. It’s a win-win for both employees and the company.

  • Better productivity
  • Calm atmosphere
  • Reduces sick days
  • Retains employees
  • See positive ROI
  • To stay competitive
  • Cost of recruitment far out ways the cost of regular onsite massage

Why use Target Therapies?

With onsite corporate massage, our highly skilled, qualified and insured massage therapists bring their expertise and equipment directly to the workplace. Our onsite corporate massage services are designed to seamlessly integrate into your workplace, even if you’re short on space. With our corporate seated massage chairs only require a compact area of 1m x 1.5m, making them suitable for offices of all sizes. Our experienced therapists are pros at working in small office spaces and ensure a professional setup that minimises disruption to your team’s work routines. By bringing the massage experience directly to your workplace, employees can enjoy the relaxation and rejuvenation benefits without the need to travel. Easy online booking system for your company

We can help you get started on incorporating an employee wellness program for 2024.